Well this
last 7 days of my life have been some of the best ever!
first off, I love my mission with all of my heart. It has been the most amazing
thing ever in my life and it has brought so much joy to my heart. As I look
back on the year that has come and gone so fast this mission has been like my
whole life. That being so I would not trade the last 10 months here for
anything else. I don’t like how I’m almost halfway down to be honest and I feel,
or I guess have thoughts that I won’t want to leave Mexico when my time comes
to go home.
I love this place. I love it with all my heart
and it is where my heart is. These people are so special to me. This gospel is
so special to me. It is worth more than anything in this world. I know my Savior
lives. He has become my best friend and I know I will always have him in my life.
So, it’s
been crazy being a missionary here these last few days with Christmas coming.
It has been so amazing to be a missionary during this time and bringing the
best gift that people can come to receive. Eternal happiness is better than
anything Earthly that we can come to learn and receive. I have seen so many
blessings this season and this season of the year is the best. We just need to
stay focused on why we truly celebrate this. The lights and music comes and
goes but the true meaning of this time is always with us.
things that have happened this last week. On Monday we had our Mission
Christmas party and it was amazing!!!! We had a talent show that was done by
the missionaries and I had the opportunity to be in 2 talents haha. Brought
back my Upstage days with one of the acts by being a part of a dance that was
really fun, then the other my district sang a couple songs.
We also
had super good food for lunch and I got my Flu Shoot woooo! Then we got to
mingle with the other Missionaries and talk about life and just everything that’s
going on. I got to see some of my super good friends that I have made while
being here so that was awesome also. Then to end the day off we had a
Devotional which was just as amazing or even better than the party just to get
back in the missionary mood.
Well also
this last Sunday we had 2 new people come to church. They are amazing, and we
are going to be working with them super hard coming up here to finish up this
month and into the next to help them in any way they need.
The last
big thing that happened was on Saturday we had our ward Christmas party. It was
crazyyyyy! Mexico knows how to party because it was the craziest ward Christmas
party I have ever been to hahaha. There was karaoke and also a talent show,
and it was all so much fun. Oh, ya Elder Bradley and I also sang a song in that
talent show with the Elders Quorum president and now we are famous here in the
Ward haha. We sang a Hymn for them but then threw in a remix for the third line
of the Hymn and rapped it hahaha. The ward loved it and now there are some that
want us to come by their homes and sing for them haha.
I’m doing great and I’m so happy and I don’t think I have ever smiled so big
and so much as I have here. Life is a gift and we need to fill it with the best
memories we can. We also need to fill it with obedience to our Father in Heaven.
focused and do the things you know you need to do. Don’t be afraid to stick out
or be on the outside if you are doing the right thing. What matters most is
what our Father in Heaven thinks of us and that is that he loves us and is
always there for us.
I can’t wait to Chat this coming Monday with
my family and know it will be amazing. Wish I could chat with each and one of
you because you to are all a part of my Eternal Family.
CHRISTMAS Everyone I love you ALL!!
Elder Davis!