So little back ground here in the mtc they don't assign people for talks. They give the topic and then everyone prepares one because they just call on people after the sacrament is over. Sooooooo I got called on Sunday. hahaha. The talk by the way has to be all in Spanish so ya. Well I'm a prepared missionary and so I was totally ready and prepared. That doesn't mean I'm good at speaking it at all though ha. I had a scripture and if I was to read it in English it would take me like 20 seconds to read out loud and be super easy but here in Spanish it's another STORY!!! So I ended taking like a minute and a half to read this one scripture and I am up there trying to pronounce the worlds like I'm in 3 grade again hahaha. It's not easy legit there are some big difficult words hahaha. But it turned out good and all was well. Lessons have become so good for Elder Sanders and I. We straight have been killing it the past 2 weeks. They are of course with our teachers who act like investigators but they are super good actors so like its almost real. We of course give all our glory to God because it is not us it's all Him. We are so humbled to be his servants and we know we are just his messengers. But back to the investigators. So we have 2 baptisms confirmed and working on our third. The lessons are all in Spanish so it's pretty hard but I for sure know how to bear you testimony and it strengthens me every time. I love it. Again the people we teach are not real investigators but the spirit is real and strengthens me. Spanish gets better every single time we teach also. The weather here has been so bipolar it's crazy. Wake up completely sunny and stuff and then bam half way through the day there is a thunder storm and down pours. I kinda maybe lost my umbrella also so hahaha. We had trc Wednesday night and it was so sweet. Trc is where we actually teach real people that aren't teachers haha. one of the coolest experiences of my life. We taught this lady who has 3 kids. She wanted to learn about Joseph Smith so we taught her about him. This is all in Spanish by the way so pretty crazy. At the end I was able to bear my testimony. In my broken Spanish I made her a promise. I didn't open my mouth thinking I was going to make a promise but words just started coming out. I made her the promise that if she would reread the book of Mormon and reread the introduction to the book of Mormon and pray to God with all her heart, that she would be blessed. I promised her that she would be blessed and receive any answer she was looking for and that most importantly that her children would be blessed because of her faith. When I said her children would be blessed she smiled the most perfect smile on have seen of my life. I could tell her smile was full of love and at that moment I was overwhelmed with how much love my Father in Heaven, our Father in Heaven had for this lady. I had no idea who she was but I knew how much she was loved. We just went and did immigration stuff today so I'm good to be here in Mexico until March 17th, 2019. So Elder Szendre,Elder Potter, Elder Sanders and I where thinking we would stay a month after our 2 years and just party it up in Mexico. Jk we aren't doing that I don't think. Well this week was great and it's crazy to actually think how long I have been out. I'm at like 25 days. So I got 2 more weeks here in the mtc and then get thrown in trying to talk to everyone in Spanish. I can't believe it's almost been a month though like it feels like I've been here a couple days. Catch ya next week homies.... Elder Davis out
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