Well what another quick and crazy week! This week was awesome and just another wonderful week in the mission. We again had a good showing at church with 4 investigators, we are praying that one of them gets baptized in about a week. Her date is set for the 3rd of September
Well besides that we have been working super hard every day out here. As you do your part the Lord will truly help you out and do his part. I just know with all my heart he is just waiting for you to just try, as you try he will make you stronger helping you in all things. I have truly seen that with my Spanish as it truly has gotten so much better as I have put so much work into it. It has been hard but the blessings of being able to speak are so great. I also had divisions (exchanges or Splits) this week with the other Elders in Linares. The Elder I got put with has 2 months out on his mission so for the first time in my mission I was the senior companion haha. Well we did some good work that day that we were together, we had the opportunity to place 5 baptism dates with some new investigators and with a family Elder Snow and I have been teaching here for about 4 weeks.
Well as the title of my email says I finally got to go again to the temple here in my mission. It has been about 5 months since I have gone inside a temple and it was the first time I have gone inside this one here in Monterrey. We were able to tour the outside of the temple back in June.
Oh, how lovely it was, truly was amazing to be back inside the house of the Lord. It should be our main focus in our lives if we are old enough, go to the temple and go as often as possible. What blessings truly can come from the temple. It is the most special place on earth and a place we can truly feel the presence of the Lord.
Well I do have a story that I will always remember about this temple. To get more details you can either ask my mom or email me haha. Well I passed out or fainted, idk really while I was at the temple. It was the first time in my life that that has happened to me, that will be a memory forever. I do know why and it was because I didn’t have any food or water in my system, at least that is what we all think. I’m ok now and totally fine.
Work is normal and I’m still out in the heat preaching the gospel because there is nothing that can happen to stop this magnificent work.
I love you all and pray you have an amazing week this week.
Put your head up and choose the right and blessing will come I promise.
I love you all and pray for you every day.
Till next week, love Elder Davis
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